Tantra for Emotional & Sexual Healing
Sexual connections create and maintain life itself on our Earth.
Healthy sexuality has an organic & synergistic mind-body-heart connection that allows energy to flow, allowing us to move lovingly & gracefully through life. 

When someone has experienced psychological, emotional or sexual abuse, they are likely left with energy from that trauma (like guilt, shame, anger, etc) that can get suppressed or blocked in the mind or body causing a meriad of dis-ease symptoms. These can show up as depression, disassociation, ED, low libido, low self esteem and hormone imbalance.

Tantric healing sessions provide a safe and non-judmental space for you to address and process emotions of pain, fear, shame and work through sexual blocks, while feeling loved, supported and 
Therapies focused on releasing disempowering judgements helps repair, restore and strengthen the mind-body-heart connection.

All healing sessions are unique, personalized and intimate. Vulnerability and authenticity are essential parts of trusting the process and flow of healing.