Tantra Sessions

Why Tantra?

Tantric intimacy techniques will help awaken your senses to reconnect to your heart and the power inside you, empowering you to live out your dreams and desires. These sessions are focused on connecting emotionally and intimately with your inner and outer worlds, helping you to ease into the present moment, finding safety in your vulnerability, expression and pleasure

What does a session look like?

We will first begin our Tantric session by talking about the concerns and healing you’re wanting to focus your energy on during the session. The sessions can be based on opening your heart, expressing sensuality, deepening intimacy in your relationships, stimulating senses, grounding, spiritual insight, feeling safe and loved, being held, healing past sexual traumas, etc. 

Once the intention is set, we will begin to calm the mind and ground into the moment with light breathwork and an energy cleanse with smudging. This helps us tap into our energetic and spiritual bodies. 

Now we will begin Tantric practices that will help support your intention. We will flow through practices of eye gazing, sensory stimulation, light touch and more, while using aromatherapy, crystals and sound healing to activate your energy centers during our time together.

We end the session by again, grounding in the moment and integrating the energy shifts and activations. This can look like a short meditation or conversing about the session.

These sessions are designed to make you feel safe, calming to your nervous system and easing into love and full relaxation. They are a fully holistic and intuitive approach to opening yourself to the healing process of your mind, body and Spirit.

Typically a Tantric session with me lasts about 2 hours and is remarkably satisfying and expansive.
These sessions will leave you feeling grounded, elevated and relaxed.

I work with both individuals seeking personal growth or couples seeking to grow together.